Code registration
To register a Village code, you must press the Add code button.

The following screen will then be displayed:

Once the new code has been created, the following screen will appear:

On this screen you can record information related to the code, such as its meaning and description.
All required fields are marked with an asterisk *.
Once you have filled out the form, you must press the Save Translation button.

To delete a translation, press the Delete translation button.
To modify the name of a code, press the Modify code button and the following screen will appear.

Once the denomination has been modified, the Modify button must be pressed. If the operation was successful, the following message will be displayed:

To delete a code registration, you must press the Delete code button and receive the following confirmation message.

Publish code
To publish a code you must press the Publish code button and receive the following confirmation message.

If you need to unpublish the record, you must press the Unpublish code button and accept the operation in the confirmation message that will be displayed.